Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Duality and Balance

Duality and Balance

So, I’ve been reading much on how we live in the Pieces Area which represents a time of duality. 

However, the overreaching truth seems to be…we must find balance in everything to achieve peace, happiness, love and Oneness. So if duality is our “true” nature…how do we find balance?  Here are some of my observations:

1.  Duality is needed to achieve balance?  Maybe it is true we are created from One; but to continue creation there must be Two?  With Two comes duality:
            Female-Male              Left-Right        Up-Down         
           Positive-Negative        Light-Dark       Hard-Soft         
           East-West                    Large-Small     Happy-Sad                   Etc….

But the good part about Two is they are opposites.  Opposites attract and come together to form One again.  So from this principle in the perfect sense:
1+1 = 1
long enough to multiply and change the overall existence to
1+1 = 3 or more. 

This is Not the math I was taught!  But it works...

 2.  Unbalanced existence is chaos.  When 1+1 cannot come together to achieve One; the ones seem to repel each other and nothing harmoniously can be created but rather an attempt to destroy seems more evident.  If the principle “matter/energy can’t be created or destroyed” is valid; chaos resides in the transformation of matter/energy during unbalance instead of harmony/peace.  So the more traditional equation fits:  1+1 = 2 (unbalanced-individuals)
Add multi-media suggested individualism to question…Is chaos the NEW Standard???

The two points above are enough to chew on for a while.  If as we are in the world (no escaping), AND the world is set about duality (something we can’t change); maybe it is our ultimate challenge (and purpose) to assure we are engaging in a more “balanced” scenario of duality?

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