Monday, February 9, 2015

Circle, Square, Triangle Sacred Geometry Thoughts

My Thoughts on Sacred Geometry :-)

Circle…continuation unless something extreme acts on it.  A positive-progressive circle can keep you happy, healthy, peaceful and enlightened.  A negative-destructive circle will trap you in sorrow, sickness, chaos and ignorance.  Personal auras look like circles of containment. 

Square…represents direction and limits.  With four corners, there are always four options for destination, but you can only choose one direction at a time.  To move toward one corner or direction requires returning from it before changing direction.  The limitations we put on ourselves can be described as boxes or multi-dimensional squares.

Triangle…the symbol of starting with stability and growing upward at a step (angle) pace. In most cases, what it takes to make it to the top of a triangle (not easy) will keep you from every descending downward again.  There is less space at the top of the triangle, so thoughts must be light and efficient.

DO…put your triangle into a circle.
DON’T…put your triangle into a square.
DO…travel all the corners of a square before you are satisfied.
DON’T…stay in the square forever, even if you need to move to another square.
DO…keep your circle colorings transparent enough for you to see out of.
DON’T…let too many people into your circle; it should be peaceful and comfortable at all times.

All commentaries are personal and not to represent anyone else’s adaptions.  It is suggested to cross reference all content by doing the reader’s own self study using any and all resources available to them.

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