Friday, February 6, 2015

Comments on the book Egyptian Yoga - Choice, Truth, Higher Self

These comments are as a result from reading and studying through the book Egyptian Yoga by Dr. Muata Ashby. 

Comment Precursors:
1.  GOD spelled with all capitalization is the one supreme source; (Ntr).
2.  A Goddess/God spelled with one upper-case and then lower-case letters is an immortal-human (enlightened).
3.  A goddess/god with all lower-case letters is more of an attribute of GOD for a Goddess/God to exhibit into their lifestyle.

Two Roads of Choice
Two roads can be chosen by all humans with the faculties to think.  (1) Wisdom leads to a healthy, happy and enlighten life; (2) whereas Ignorance promotes negativity, ill health and sorrow. Most would think every human’s choice is for wisdom; but wisdom requires patience, self-control, compassion, study and many other attributes that seem impossible to our nuclear-microwave lifestyles.  In the movie “Matrix” it was demonstrated how one enlightened guy chose to go back into the Matrix of Ignorance because he was tired of trying to live with the truth.  So now when I encounter people who insist on presenting themselves and their world shaped within “small thinking”; I try to remember how much easier it probably is for some to choose ignorance over what is true-real-wise. 

It gets really tough sometimes to stay above ignorance when only a fraction of society chooses the Wisdom road.  For instance, it is wise to not use plastic bags that pollute our environment; but not so easy to remember to bring recycle-bags to the store for every shopping instance.  However, wisdom is properly applied knowledge.  Once we know how toxic plastic bags can be, a wise woman will make it her life-style to always travel with a recycle-bag or find a way to carry purchases with no bag at all.  Initially, it may seem the road of Ignorance is less painful a life-style; but coming home to find plastic bags stuck in the trees, dead wild-life from eating plastic or harmful gas emitted to the air from burning plastic is far more painful.  Studying on what I call the 42-Principals of Ma’at is a start to living a more wise life.  These principals are documented in ancient writings and believed to have promoted fairness and harmony in the ancient civilizations.  It is said, at bodily death, the heart (soul) will be weighed against a feather…and those who practice Ma’at will possess a heart-soul light enough to enter eternity.

Ma’at is depicted as a goddess with hawk-like wings.

Djehuti is the attribute for wisdom.

Real Truth
There is an ancient Egyptian quote…“Self-Knowledge is the basis of true knowledge.” mentioned in the Egyptian Yoga book that deserves thought.  After attending a Christian church for most of 50-years; going and teaching Sunday school, I wonder if ever there was a time to seriously consider how much of we seek of ourselves for divine knowledge?  Today when reflecting on the Christian philosophy that the only way to salvation is through Christ; I now understand that Christ-hood is found in each individual (just as the bible suggests).  Therefore our salvation is through Self and Truth.  One meditation leader I often listen to is adamant that “what is real is You exist!” And actually, from a personal perspective, Self is as Real as it gets for me.  The Egyptian Yoga book explains that our bodies are only what our minds believe them to be; and without a pure mind, we can’t correctly assess what is real (the truth).  The key is to NOT allow the experiences of “the world” to control/confuse/agitate the mind.  It can be agreed that drama from the world will at some time pass away, but we need a healthy soul for eternity.  Once thoughts on worldliness can be controlled, a “Unified Field Theory” or “Oneness” can be achieved where we: love all people/things; detach from possessions and passions; balance the ego and the body can connect to the mind in a healthy way that WILL purify our connection to The Source.  With a pure connection we can experience the “Ultimate Peace” …HOTEP (HTP).

Higher Self versus Lower Self
The Egyptian Yoga book was great at describing the difference between higher and lower self.  At the time of this posting, I've taken yoga classes for about 6-months continuously.  But the true meaning of yoking (yoga) didn't make sense until understanding we have a higher and lower self.  The ancient hieroglyphics usually depict leadership wearing either Upper or Lower Egypt headpieces.  More interesting, the southern part of Egypt is described as “Upper Egypt” and the northern Nile area is considered “Lower Egypt.”  The story goes that the Upper Egyptian king from the south conquered the north and designated both areas worship the same GOD by conjoining the names from the two different areas.  The lesson from of the story is that the Upper Egypt ruler used selfless consideration and allowed the northern name for GOD “Atum” be mentioned before the southern name “Ra”; thus a collaborative naming convention “Atum-Ra.”  My conclusions:
-Upper Egypt: south: Higher Self
-Lower Egypt: north: Lower Self
-Upper reaches south
-Lower reaches north
-Upper leads selflessly: Ra
-GOD is the same no matter what direction

The upper-lower self-concept expands on my early instruction on how to avoid a fight by “thinking higher than the person who is trying to persecute you.”  In actuality, if my emotional/egotistical lower-self is subdued by my peace-loving-enlightened higher-self, I’m never actively participating in any sort of discomforting situation no matter what the other participant(s) engages in.  This practice is much needed for situations we can’t avoid in relationships, work-job situations and victimization.  However, after living life driven by ego and passions for so long, it will definitely take a lot of patience, practice and wisdom…but with pure intent it will happen.

All commentaries are personal and not to represent anyone else’s adaptions.  It is suggested to cross reference all content by doing the reader’s own self study using any and all resources available to them.

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